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Round 4 - Climbing The Walls
Round 4 at Climbing The Walls, again we are back to the original 3 Rope, 3 Boulder format for this round!! We can see the kids love this format going round in their groups and enjoying socialising!!
Firstly we would like to say a BIG THANK YOU!! to the Nottingham Climbing Centre for hosting a great competition and all the volunteer judges and belayers.
Also we would like to thank everybody for supporting us by purchasing raffle tickets for the final event to be held at Loughborough. There are some awesome prizes and well worth grabbing a few tickets!!! These will continue to be on sale and you will also be able to get them on the Grand Finals day!!!
Thanks to the setters for some amazing routes and boulder problems. I think we can say that the routes were great and with nobody topping all 3 routes we can safely say they were challenging!
With no climb offs this made for a reasonably decent finish time to the day, which I am sure you were all happy with!
Below are the podium results for this round, full results can also be found on the link below. Well done to everyone who took part!
We look forward to seeing you all at the final round at The Climbing Station in Loughborough where we will have some boulder problems for you all to tackle!!!
Round 4 - Climbing The Walls - Full Results
Girls - Junior
1. Emma Jurcsyk - Big Rock
2. Georgina Lloyd
3. Sophie Reading - Big Rock
Girls - Category A
1. Elspeth Brown - Big Rock
2. Izzy Howard - Oxford Brookes
3. Izzie Adams - Big Rock
Girls - Category B
1. Ines Christofferson - Big Rock
2. Isla Flemming - Big Rock
3. Tallis Ingall - Warwick Uni
Girls - Category C
1. Ruth Yeomanson - WADS
2. Mariko Rudd - White Spider
3. Jessica Preston-Hunt - Redpoint Worcester
Girls - Category D
1. Imogen Lilley - WADS
2. Mio Nakashima - White Spider
3. Rose Everett - The Climbing Unit
Girls - Category E
1. Serafina Taylor-Law - Big Rock
2. Emma Hobbs - Nottingham Climbing Centre
3. Molly Conway - The Climbing Station
Boys - Junior